Sunday 29 March 2015

10 Bad Habits That Drain Your Energy

You Tired of being tired? If so, you're not alone. Millions of Americans report feeling tired during the day. In most cases, the problem can be attributed to lifestyle factors. Here you have the bad habits that will drain his energy.

1. Dehydration

Without enough water, your blood becomes thicker and more effort is needed to circulate in your heart. You can easily feel tired blood, nutrients and oxygen are less able to transport.

2. go to bed too late

The researchers found the most important stages of sleep that occur between 10pm and got 1AM. Every morning you feel like hitting the snooze so, you consider adjusting bedtime.

3. exercise

Due to the low energy you feel like skipping the gym, going the way you might want to try. Study in light exercise actually increases energy levels show that the unexpected effect.

4. Low iron levels

You eggs, liver and some foods like red meat if you are dieting, you may have less energy is due to low iron. Without enough iron, you effectively heart, lungs and brain of oxygen transport can not produce enough blood cells.

5. high quality

The lofty expectations of yourself and others is exhausting. It seems you should try to complete everything is easy to overexert yourself. Suitable for overburden yourself and your goal is to keep.


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