Sunday 29 March 2015

How To Treat Dry Skin On Face ?

Every man and woman is the most worrying part is the face of beauty. And for facial beauty facial skin needs to look refreshing. Skin care is important to your skin That body is the most critical layer.
Dry early season often faded or pale skin color also adopted can result. Especially in winter, dry skin that looks bad becomes rough. Everyone can be home based on the dry skin care tips is to know.

We answer your questions and to solve the problem for you here.

Always solve your skin problems and suggestions to prefer natural products. Natural products are very useful and therefore give valuable results. Natural products for skin care are best to use, so.
Women with dry skin to sunlight, especially direct exposure to sun exposure to the skin should be avoided, so that the Sun light is very harmful for the skin. Skin and skin color in winter becomes dim special care of dry skin in the winter. Especially in winter, dry skin are advised to take extreme care that's why.
Near the skin's pores and pimples become this season increasing the likelihood of extreme weather conditions.
It is very important to use sunscreen lotion. It serves as the protective layer of the skin and protects skin from the sun's harmful rays.
Vitamins A & E are required for dry skin. That are rich in Vitamin E and the fresh fruit and vegetables
To reduce dryness, dry milk to the bath water or add a few drops of fresh milk. If your skin is very soft to touch and you would like your skin.
Almond oil moisture to dry skin and provides a glowing effect. 10 drops of almond oil to the bath water and to have smooth skin, wash your body with it - Mix 8.
The skin of the face and other parts of the body skin conditions badly affect the facial skin is more sensitive than. Therefore, protecting your skin from the damaging effects of weather.
Different types of moisturizing lotion and cream helps reduce dryness are available in the market. Natural products are free from side effects However, the natural home tips are more beneficial to the skin. The following components can be made by a natural moisturizer.
Vitamin E oil: ½ TBS
Glycerin: ½ TBS
Lemon juice: a few drops

Above all, mix the ingredients and apply on your skin daily.


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