Sunday 29 March 2015

Side Effects Of Tobacco Smoking

Smoking Smoking is a habit that millions of people around the world as one of the major causes of diseases. As well, many of which can be fatal side effects of smoking, are present.
Diseases that can be caused by smoking, lung cancer, mouth cancer, high blood pressure, drugs, it is very difficult to stop smoking because smoking is classified as cough etc. are. The rest of the effects of tobacco are described below.

The first attack on the human immune system and a smoker smoking throughout the day to work or his / her assigned tasks are difficult to perform. Smoking and tobacco smoke lower energy level of people who feel tired and sluggish. This gives rise to negative thoughts in the mind of the smoker and has a negative thinker of his / her will. They only care about their addiction to the families of those neglected and become self-centered. Most of the criminals are addicted to smoking with other drugs cause.
Tobacco smoker, especially the liver and stomach, which affects the health of nicotine; the food can not be digested properly. You all other parts of the nervous system and affects the functioning of the system, which does not work properly. Cigarette use their body parts became less and can not fight with diseases and health problems because of the non-smoker than a person who is a smoker reduces age.
This directly affects the lungs caused by smoking or cigarettes or "Huka" respiratory problems, lung oxygen to the muscles to extra efforts to weaken the muscles that carbon dioxide (breath ) put. Tobacco smoke is very dangerous and can cause cancer or asthma. Cigarette smoking causes heart valves become weak, and heart attack can cause heart pump blood, which can not be pure. World Health Organization (WHO), 54% of cancer and heart diseases are caused by smoking, according to a research paper published.
Other diseases that are caused by tobacco are listed below.

It weakens the muscles that increased heartbeat
Nicotine a smoker is not true, the pressure and stress, thinks that relives it. It paralyzes your senses.
More than 4500 chemical adversely affect your health as known carcinogens, are found in tobacco, cotton puff.


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