Sunday 29 March 2015

A Chinese company 3D printed a car using 'Tyrant Gold' filament

This is the ugliest car ever to roll along the ground may be, but it sure is easy. It is a low cost, 3D print is moving to China in the machine.

Sanyo Sihai created by sugar, the body of the vehicle and a half months to build one and to print it took five days. This 3D printing, a light 500 kg (1102 pounds), 3.6 meters long (11.9ft), 1.63 meters wide (5.5ft), fully power to weight and build 11,000 yuan ($ 1770) costs.

The best bit? 40KM / h (25 mph) travel on the car, get some of the Bling on this ride is the perfect accessory to any extravagant ruler, "unjust Gold" is created in the filament.

Definitely unique traffic stop by the local motor vehicle against the world's first 3D printed when compared, it does not break any records. Strati in September 2014. The company also unveiled the electric two-seater that looks more like a real vehicle and not to mention, to build it to print up to 44 hours and can just four days Gold car almost double the speed of wrongdoing.

Strati the chassis and the interior of the vehicle with 3D is not the case, are hidden, yet only $ 18,000 and $ 34,000 price tag that accompanies the midst of an expected payment for innovation.

whether, will be felt around the city.